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FareFirst is awarded as Best App in the Huawei AppsUp competition.
Another feather in our cap!We emerged victorious in the best apps category of the Huawei AppsUp competition 2021.
In BestApp, FareFirst, award, Oct 29, 2021Thank you x 1 Million times
FareFirst soars higher! We are now trusted by over a million travelers. It gives us immense satisfaction to have been a valuable part of your travels. We continue to strive to serve y...
In 1Million, FareFirst, Jul 01, 20212021 Gives a Call to All the Travel Freaks to Visit Serbia
Serbia is a perfect mixture of cultures, having been fought over by the Ottomans, Romans, Hapsburgs and others in the war-torn past. At present, it is a spot for recreation, happiness...
In travel freaks, visit serbia, Jun 15, 2021What Should I Pack as a Solo Traveler?
Confused?.What to carry and what not to carry in your travel bag?. Have you always being in a situation where you always pack up everything and end up being heavy?. You don’t need a l...
In Solo Traveller, Single backpack, May 10, 2021How to plan a budget friendly travel
Travelling is therapy and it gives you unforgettable memories, experiences and life lessons. The more you explore different places, the more you find yourself and travelling enhances ...
In budget friendly travel, off-season, Apr 16, 2021Regaining balance and confidence: women-only trips, the hottest trend for this year
We do live in an era in which female empowerment is more than a necessity. And as a result, we’ve noticed that the request for women-only trips has increased in recent years. Hence, t...
In woman empowerment, woman only trips, Mar 08, 2021Best Travel Destinations in Europe
Idling away at home during lockdown might feel a bit boring, that’s why we at Fare first put together a list of travel destinations in Europe you can plan to visit as soon as the situ...
In Europe travel, Travel inspiration, Feb 20, 2021How to efficiently plan and pack for a trip?
Admit it! Planning for a trip can seem a bit challenging, especially when you travel with your family. And you should know that we are here to guide you! Up next, we’ve shared our ins...
In World, Packing, Jul 22, 2020FF protect : an open source contact tracing system for potential COVID-19 carriers or patients
In this time of an ongoing pandemic crisis, our team wants to address the possible community outbreak via contact spreading of the virus. If unaware virus carriers can be identified a...
In World, Health, Mar 24, 2020Safe traveling during Coronavirus outbreak
Here are a few important things you should be aware of while traveling during the Coronavirus outbreak.
In World, Health, Mar 10, 2020Featured
Top 5 Adventure Destinations in the World
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Top 10 International Destinations for Flight Travel Enthusiasts
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Mindful and Spiritual Journeys
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Top 5 Airlines for In-Flight Entertainment
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Tips For a Smooth Flight Experience
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How to Save Money on Your Next Trip
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FareFirst is awarded as Best Bixby Developer in the Samsung Galaxy Store Awards
In BestApp, FareFirst, Award, -
How to Stay Healthy While Traveling
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Most Beautiful Places to Travel in the World
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Pandemic Era Travel - Do’s and Don’ts
In FareFirst, Travel, -
5 Ways Covid is Changing Travel & The Role of FareFirst
In FareFirst, COVID, -
FareFirst is awarded as Best App in the Huawei AppsUp competition.
In BestApp, FareFirst, award, -
Thank you x 1 Million times
In 1Million, FareFirst, -
Regaining balance and confidence: women-only trips, the hottest trend for this year
In woman empowerment, woman only trips, -
FF protect : an open source contact tracing system for potential COVID-19 carriers or patients
In World, Health, -
Best destinations to visit in India in 2020
In India, Places,